Christopher Hitchens is a British born, but recently naturalised American Author, Journalist, Essayist and Literary Critic. Based in Washington D.C., Christopher is currently a writer for Vanity Fair and Slate, and an (acrimoniously) ex-writer for The Nation.

Christopher's books include Blood, Class and Empire, Letters to a Young Contrarian, Orwell's Victory, The Missionary Position, No One Left to Lie To and The Trial of Henry Kissinger. His collected Literary essays can be found in Unacknowledged Legislation, and collected political essays in For the Sake of Argument and Love, Poverty and War. Christopher's most recently published book is God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.

Christopher describes himself as an Anti-Theist, rather than an Atheist, and he was an outspoken supporter of the removal of Saddam Hussein, a position which has alienated him from a large number of his former Comrades on the Left.