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Anti-Semitism is in the very marrow of conspiracy theory

France Terrorist Attack - Hoax, Psyop and/or False Flag

Some reports do carry individual ideas. France Terrorist Attack - Hoax, Psyop and/or False Flag asks what happened to the security around Charlie Hebdo. Another video suggested that ‘Je suis Charlie’ could not have happened as quickly and spontaneously as it did and must have been part of the set up.

On the Did the Americans Plan the Paris Terror Attack

Modern conspiracy theory began in Paris. Many in Europe were horrified by the French Revolution and found satisfaction in finding an organised hidden group guilty of orchestrating events. The culprits were secret societies such as the Bavarian Illuminati, the Freemasons and the Knights Templars. Then in 1791 the new French National Assembly ended all legal restrictions on France’s Jews, suggesting to future conspiracy pundits that, through the logic of cui bono, the revolution was a Jewish plot.  The Anti-Semitic League of France, founded in 1889, made its central claim that Jews seized power in the French Revolution. After the founding of Israel, the supposed Jewish conspiracy changed to an Israeli one, but it is still the shadowy plot that harks back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Europe’s long history of anti-Semitic suspicion.

Hebdo Conspiracies and Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is in the very marrow of conspiracy theory and the sifting through the entrails of contemporary news for secret proofs of this is really a search to justify prejudice. Conspiracy theory is anti-democratic. It suggests that voting and protest is laughable and that any individual who has won an inch of equality or change in the law was wasting their time as the world is, and always has been, run by untouchable secret forces.

To those of you who thrill at the alternative narratives of conspiracy theory, if you enjoy coming across as being the person who is not fooled by mainstream reports then I implore you to take a closer look at the people whose ideas you are sharing. No one shares a conspiracy theory without it being underpinned by a message; a message of poisonous hatred.

And if you are a presenter or blogger who disseminates and concocts conspiracy theories I would like you to know that you are deluded and inhumane. The victims of the 2015 attacks in Paris are the latest in a long line of corpses you have opportunistically used as a platform for your own irrational and hateful thought and pronouncement. You are not “aware” or “awake” but blinkered and bigoted. You are not a truth-seeker, hero or liberator.

Scott Wood writes regularly for Londonist, Fortean Times and The Skeptic (UK). He has contributed to the encyclopaedia Ghosts, Spirits, and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies and Antony Clayton’s book Folkore of London. He is the author of London Urban Legends: The Corpse on the Tube and the host and co-organiser of the London Fortean Society.

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