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London election special #2 - Youth, diversity and equality

In our second London mayoral election special, Josh Niecho and his panel discuss the issues affecting London's young and diverse community.


Kenny Imafidon is author of the award-winning Kenny Reports and Partnerships & Programmes Co-ordinator of Bite The Ballot. He lives in south London -, @KennyImafidon

Shelly Asquith is Vice President (Welfare) of the National Union of Students, and former SU President of the University of the Arts - @ShellyAsquith

Amina Gichinga is Take Back The City London Assembly candidate for City & East. She runs a community choir near the Royal Docks - @aminaminky

Dia Chakravarty is political director of the Taxpayers' Alliance and a singer. She was born and educated until sixth-form in Bangladesh, and moved to London aged 24 - @DiaChakravarty

Josh Neicho is a freelance writer and subeditor at The World Weekly