Directors: Chris Hegedus, Jehane Noujaim
A great insight into early millennial boom or bust internet startups. Relatively retro, but the gripping cinéma vérité approach transports you right back to the thick of it in 2001.
Director Olivia Rochette , Gerard-Jan Claes
This poetic investigation into the phenomenon of online communities displays the human presence in the network. Thoughts, fears, desires and worries, are all shared via the omnipresent webcam.
Catch Because We Are Visual at festivals and exhibitions
Director:Stephen Maing
Documenting the world, sharing images and stories has altogether different meaning and consequences in this contemporary tale of two Chinese citizen reporters.
Directors: Hilla Medalia, Shosh Shlam
Another perspective on internet users behind the great firewall of China. In Web Junkie three young men are sent to a treatment center in Beijing to be cured of their online gaming addictions.
Director:Brian Knappenberger
In this documentary, programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz also comes across as addictive: he was addicted to updating the world of information control.
Director: Laura Poitras
A frightening contemporary tale of how the web of free information has become a web of control. Edward Snowden reveals all as an intense act of courage is caught on camera.
In cinemas:
(Disclaimer: Britdoc and 89up/Little Atoms have been involved in the distribution and promition of CITIZENFOUR)