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Little Atoms round up ('what's the big idea, pal?' edition)

Real equality, realistic migration policy, stranger-than-strange ideas, big thinking on small buildings, and social realist Star Wars. Just another week at Little Atoms

Being a woman is not a lifestyle choice

George Osborne's adoption of rhetorical buzzwords masks policies that corrode gender equality

Migration from west Africa to Europe is bound to increase. 'Tougher border controls' are not the answer

European governments need a more flexible approach to immigration, but no politician is willing to say so

Why architects are thinking big over small designs

Star architects are downscaling their plans in the new trend for microhousing

Podcast: John Higgs

We talked to author John Higgs about the big ideas that shaped the 20th century

Little Atoms live in Manchester

Join us for an evening with award winning novelists Emma Jane Unsworth and Lee Rourke

Ken Loach's Star Wars

The social realist space opera George Lucas wishes he'd made

Brother, can you spare a dime?

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In the particle of me that cares for this, I betrayed those little atoms with a kiss

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