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Waiting for Maitreya


Benjamin Creme did not live to see Maitreya reveal himself to the world. The herald of the Cosmic Christ died peacefully as his home in Tufnell Park, north London in October 2016, at the age of 93.

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James Trevelyan grew up in the Midlands and now lives in South London. He has an MA in Creative Writing from Royal Holloway. His poems have appeared in various print and online magazines, and anthologies including Eyewear's Best New British & Irish Poets 2017. He works for the Poetry School and for independent publisher, Penned in the Margins. His debut pamphlet, DISSOLVE to: L.A., was published by the Emma Press in March 2016.
James Trevelyan grew up in the Midlands and now lives in South London. He has an MA in Creative Writing from Royal Holloway. His poems have appeared in various print and online magazines, and anthologies including Eyewear's Best New British & Irish Poets 2017. He works for the Poetry School and for independent publisher, Penned in the Margins. His debut pamphlet, DISSOLVE to: L.A., was published by the Emma Press in March 2016.

Poem: One Final Spectacle

What happens when a poet and scientist talk about the star at the centre of our solar system


What happens when a poet and scientist talk about the star at the centre of our solar system

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A conversation between scientist Lucie Green and poet Simon Barraclough 


A conversation between scientist Lucie Green and poet Simon Barraclough 

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The Incurious Rabbit


Josh Cohen's The Incurious Rabbit was a runner-up in the 2015 Notting Hill Editions Essay Prize. The biennial prize is awarded to the best original, unpublished essay between 2,000 and 8,000 words in the English language on any subject. The winning entry is awarded £20,000, with five runners-up each awarded £1,000. Some have described the Notting Hill Editions Essay Prize as the richest pound per word prize for non-fiction in the world.

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Josh Cohen is a writer, psychoanalyst and Professor of Literary Theory at Goldsmiths University of London. He is the author of many books and articles, most recently The Private Life: Why We Remain in the Dark.
Josh Cohen is a writer, psychoanalyst and Professor of Literary Theory at Goldsmiths University of London. He is the author of many books and articles, most recently The Private Life: Why We Remain in the Dark.
Danuta Kean is a writer and publishing analyst. She edited Writing the Future, about diversity in book publishing, and is currently working on Centre Stage, a report on diversity in the UK theatre for the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, due out later this year. She is also books editor of Mslexia, the feminist magazine for women writers.
Danuta Kean is a writer and publishing analyst. She edited Writing the Future, about diversity in book publishing, and is currently working on Centre Stage, a report on diversity in the UK theatre for the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation, due out later this year. She is also books editor of Mslexia, the feminist magazine for women writers.
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