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Having lived with it for seven years, Gaby is now preparing for bowel cancer to kill her, which she will bear with varying degrees of grit and grumpiness. Many years ago, she studied Philosophy, Politics & Economics at Oxford, then worked as a solicitor. She is a Jewish Zionist, Labour Party member (no more), long-standing LGBTQi activist, and cat lover. She writes intermittently about whatever grabs her, and is co-author with Liz Day of “Living with dying and bereavement”.

This is not normal

Gaby Charing has already made her peace with her own death. But Covid-19 makes her worry for the world and the people she will leave behind


Gaby Charing has already made her peace with her own death. But Covid-19 makes her worry for the world and the people she will leave behind

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Support the Little Atoms writers’ fund


As the Covod-19 lockdown begins to have an impact, many publications will see a squeeze on resources: the impact on freelance writers will be significant, both in terms of income and in decreasing profile and connectedness. Writers need to keep writing.

Little Atoms has always believed in paying people for their work: and we have always believed in commissioning pieces that may not be on the news grid, but that are linked to the genuine passions of writers and readers. 

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