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Liam Hoare is a freelance writer on politics and literature based in Vienna, where he is the Europe Editor for Moment and a contributor to Metropole
Liam Hoare is a freelance writer on politics and literature based in Vienna, where he is the Europe Editor for Moment and a contributor to Metropole

Martin Amis’s peaks and troughs

Nabokov, Bellow, Hitchens and other heroes


Nabokov, Bellow, Hitchens and other heroes

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Adam Kay’s This Is Going To Hurt shows the human side of the medical profession

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Sinéad Morrissey’s On Balance is a perfectly poised poetry collection

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Rachel Buchanan is a freelance arts manager. In her own creative practice she won one of Knit Now magazine's inaugural Knitters of the Year awards in 2016 and was Vice Chair of the Camden Poetry Group for several years, including editing two of their anthologies. In her spare time amongst other things she is currently a trustee of Artspace Lifespace, a Bristol-based charity that turns derelict spaces into artist studios, galleries and performance spaces, and offers mentoring and support to a variety of small arts organisations.
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